This is my first blog post. Which is pretty sad considering I’ve had this blog for months now. The only problem is I’m not sure what to write about at this time. I suppose I should give an overview of myself and my life, but that’s so BORING! Instead, I think I will talk about Unicorns. Has anyone ever seen Charlie the Unicorn? What a great youtube video. It’s definitely in my top ten. Whatever those top ten are, not even I know.
Anyway, who doesn’t love unicorns? They can come in many different colors, and their horns are spirally goodness. They aren’t mean, well unless they’re after your kidney… Some unicorns can fly, too. That makes them ten times more special. I believe that their diet consists of ice cream, cotton candy, and lollipops. Everything about them is cute, so it would only make sense for them to excrete tootsie rolls. :] All unicorns destinies are to find Candy Mountain so that they can feed their sweet tooth desires. Yep, unicorns are the epitome of epic.
I actually have a unicorn in my dorm right now. It stares at me while I sleep. Slightly creepy… with its dark charcoal eyes, pink fluffy hooves that could suffocate a child to death, its soft pointy horn that if poked by it enough times a person could develop a bruise… hhmmmm… maybe unicorns aren’t so great afterall.
Anyway, who doesn’t love unicorns? They can come in many different colors, and their horns are spirally goodness. They aren’t mean, well unless they’re after your kidney… Some unicorns can fly, too. That makes them ten times more special. I believe that their diet consists of ice cream, cotton candy, and lollipops. Everything about them is cute, so it would only make sense for them to excrete tootsie rolls. :] All unicorns destinies are to find Candy Mountain so that they can feed their sweet tooth desires. Yep, unicorns are the epitome of epic.
I actually have a unicorn in my dorm right now. It stares at me while I sleep. Slightly creepy… with its dark charcoal eyes, pink fluffy hooves that could suffocate a child to death, its soft pointy horn that if poked by it enough times a person could develop a bruise… hhmmmm… maybe unicorns aren’t so great afterall.
HAHAHAHAHA! I'm laughing so hard right now. Especially the part at the end. You also forgot to mention that they shoot rainbows out their ass'. HA!